15 Aug 2023
The OCC AGM for 2023 was held on August 15th
We held our 2023 AGM on Tuesday August 15th at the Omokoroa Sports Pavilion.
Minutes of previous AGM were accepted as true and correct
Chairpersons report - Peter Presland is standing down as Chairperson
Treasurer's report - Richard Gerrish is standing down as Secretary/Treasurer
Election of officers:
President & Chair - Paul Ensor was elected to this role
Treasurer & Secreatry (combined role) - Mark Allen was elected to this role
Senior Cricket Representative - Richard Gerrish was elected to this role
Junior Cricket Representative - Paul Hansen was elected to this role
Girls Cricket Representative - Craig Grant re-elected
General business
Registration/muster date set for Saturday 16th September, 10am-12