1 Sept 2022
Register now for the upcoming junior cricket season, starting Term 4 2022
Registrations for the new junior cricket season 2022-23 are now open!
The Junior cricket season starts Saturday 29th October 2022 and runs through to Saturday 10th December 2022 for Term 4. Term 1 2023 commencement date will be advised shortly. Subs for the entire season are $125 per child. The format will be much the same as last year with most if not all players moving up a grade.
If your kids want to play cricket again this season you can register one of three ways,
1) Register online by registering as a member and following the login process.
2) Come to our open day at Western Ave Pavillion, Omokoroa from 11 - 1pm Saturday September 3rd and register in person. We will have coaches running some games and activities for the kids and a complimantory barbie.
Finally if you could help us by spreading the word to any new players that would be great.
Hope to see you all soon.